These groups meet each week at Calvary. Information is available for each group below.
Weekly Groups
Busy Hands
Mondays 10am-12pm in Room 11
All Ages
We enjoy fellowship while working on a variety of craft projects together. Special projects are done for senior care facilities, the center for homeless youth, staff appreciation, crisis pregnancy centers, and others.
Prayer needs and a devotional are shared each week.
Ladies Bible Study
Tuesday morning at 8:00am & Tuesday evening at 6:00pm
Led by Julie Winkler & Lisa Butler
You will learn practical ways to read, study, and apply Scripture with confidence. Using Scripture itself, powerful storytelling, and real-life examples, Open Your Bible will quench a thirst you might not even know you have—one that can only be satisfied by God’s Word.
Prayer Group
Wednesdays 6:00 PM in Room 37
Led by Mike & Judy Rundle
All are welcome
Join us in lifting up weekly requests, and our church and country through regular, corporate prayer.
If you'd like to submit a prayer request you can fill out our online form here!
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Thursdays 7:00 am in the Worship Center at Calvary
Led by Frank Moreno
Men of all ages
Our goal is to stay connected to Christ. We strive to be the righteous men God has called us to be. Our current study is 3 - Minute Devotions for Men.
Saints Alive (Zoom)
Thursdays at 7:30pm on Zoom
Led by Curt & Kathy Blais, Alan & Pam Lambeth
Senior Ladies and Men's Group
We are seeking to know our Savior Jesus Christ intimately & follow Him wholeheartedly while loving each other. Our current Lifeway study, which runs September 1st through November 30th, is over the book of Mark.