- When you come to Calvary for your first visit, you can register and check-in your kiddos in the Children’s Area check-in station. Each child will be given a tag with their name and information on it and also a code that matches a parent tag that you will receive. Please keep this tag as it will be used at pick up time!
- One of our leaders will walk you and your child to their classroom and introduce you to their leaders and you will also receive a classroom schedule for that class.
- We are so thankful for your visit and we want to show you this by giving you a special gift!
What to Expect Your First Visit
Our Children's Ministry Director, Cera Talamantes, would love to get in touch with you and answer any questions you may have.
Get in touch with Cera: cera@cbclascruces.org -
We have several special environments available for you and your little ones.
- Nursery
- Private Nursing room (with video feed to the Sunday service).
Reach out before your first visit!
Coming to a new church can be stressful, especially with kids! We'd love to make life easier for you on your first (or second, or any other) visit!
We invite you to contact our Children's Ministry Director, Cera Talamantes, at cera@cbclascruces.org before your first visit.
Click here to download the digital version on the Calvary Kids Pamphlet!
Also, please visit our Parent Resource Page for more information and materials!