Worship is participation. Our Worship Arts ministry is made up of talented people like you, from the musicians, tech team, speakers, greeters, and beyond.
To get involved with Worship Arts, please email cbcoffice@cbclascruces.org
Engaging in ministry
with Worship arts
Worship is participation. Our Worship Arts ministry is made up of talented people like you, from the musicians, tech team, speakers, greeters, and beyond.
To get involved with Worship Arts, please email cbcoffice@cbclascruces.org
production Tech
If you like to be behind the scenes, we have several positions that are integral to Sundays and beyond on the Tech Team. You don't need to be a professional to get involved either. We will train you, work with you, and only put you where you are comfortable serving when you are ready.
If you play an instrument, we would love to use you either in the worship services or the special events as they are scheduled throughout the year. Not all instruments fit all services or songs but we are willing to hear and consider the possibilities.
Singers who have finished high school and up may audition to sing on the praise team.
Choir Opportunities - Throughout the year a choir is assembled for special events. Singers 6th grade and up are welcome regardless of previous experience. Keep a lookout for choir events during the Sunday announcements or on the events page.
youth / children's worship Arts
Youth - Youth band leads the worship times on Wednesday nights. Opportunities for youth include vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards and drums. If you play another instrument but would like to help out, please let us know.
Children - Children's music training is part of the Sunday children's large group service in the fall and spring.
Each week the children gather together as part of their Sunday morning time to learn and experience music and worship. They also prepare and participate in special choirs in seasonal presentations at Christmas and Easter.