Calvary is planning two church-wide missions opportunities for this fall and we'd love for you to be a part of them! Would you prayerfully consider if you're available to participate in one of these opportunities either by GOING or by SENDING another member of our church prayerfully and financially?

  • Eastern Europe Evangelism • August 20 - 27

    Work with former Calvary members to help them as they host VBS-style kid's ministry, women's Bible studies, and evangelism efforts. There are very few pastors and churches in the area and we can bless them by encouraging and training them alongside our missionary friends. Must be 18 years or older. The cost per person is approximately $1500.

  • Richmond, VA Prayer Walking • AUGUST 23 - 26

    Spend a weekend at the IMB's missionary training facility living alongside missionaries who are about to move to the nations. Spend the week meeting with and praying for missionaries from all over the country. Scott B (our missionary from Brazil) will be there! Must be 18 years or older. The cost per person is approximately $500.